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620 WTMT
Radio Trivia: WTMT signed on as 500-watt daytimer in August of 1958, with studios in the IBM Building on Fourth Street. The tower and transmitter was northeast of Jeffersonville. The station's format was originally a mix of big band and show tunes, but it was switched to country music around November of 1958. The call letters stood for With Thought, Maturity and Taste. In 1980 WTMT moved to new facilities at Second and Broadway.
Know anything more about this station? Have any WTMT airchecks, photos or promotional material?
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WTMT Surveys
November 16, 1962
November 6, 1968 (Inside) November 6, 1968 (Outside)
Radio Station To Start Here Next Spring
5 Louisvillians Plan Daytime Broadcasts

The Courier-Journal
October 8, 1957

A new 500-watt daytime station, WTMT, will go on the air in Louisville early next spring, its president said yesterday.

V.F. Hash, who is also president of Industrial Engineering Corporation, 525 Woodbine, said he and four other Louisvillians had capitalized the new Jefferson Broadcasting Company at $100,000. 

Slated To Be at 620 

Federal Communications Commission Examiner Elizabeth C. Smith in Washington yesterday recommended a grant to the company to operate on 620 kilocycles. 

Hash, owner of the soon-to-be broadcasting KPID in Payette, Ida., said the Louisville station will have studios in downtown Louisville.  He said it has already leased 30 acres of land for its directional antenna on the northeast corner of Allison Lane and Middle Road near Jeffersonville. 

He identified the other incorporators as John Davenport, Percy Brown, Jr., D.C. Summerford, and Henry Fitzhugh.

New Radio Station Readied
From Bill Ladd's TV Almanac
The Courier-Journal
July 29, 1958

Louisville's newest radio station will go on the air about August 15. WTMT will be heard at 620 on the dial with 500 watts power from sunrise to sundown. 

Earl Hash, general manager, says the general policy will be "listenable music and news, with some variety in programming." 

The station will be a member of the Mutual network for the sake of the news, with three 15-minute local news shows. 

WTMT can be heard, Hash says, on the basis of test programs that have been going on for several weeks, over the Louisville area and west through Southwestern Indiana, Southeastern Illinois, and Western Kentucky. 

Studios are in the I.B.M. Building at Fourth and Ormsby. The transmitter is northeast of Jeffersonville. 

Jack Dunhaver, formerly with KIRO, Seattle, will be program director. Hash says most of the staff jobs are still open, since each mike personality will have to prove himself to get a regular job. Auditions are going on for a woman's director. 

"We will play no rock  'n' roll, don't even own such a record," Hash says. "No hillbilly. Only the so-called classic Westerns. Our music will be easy-listening music. 

"We hope to serve an adult audience. People who talk on our station will have something to say and be able to say it interestingly."

Hash worked his way through engineering school as a radio engineer in Tacoma, Wash. In the mid-1930s he went into engineering and was in the Navy four years. While there, he married Mary Moynahan, daughter of E.P. Moynahan, then of Louisville and now of Shelbyville. 

"When I was discharged from the Navy," Hash says, "we stopped by Louisville for two weeks and never left." 

He worked for an electronic company here and later in research for the Seagram distillery. He formed the Industrial Engineering Company, now the Industrial Engineering Corporation, at 525 East Woodbine. The firm manufactures automotive- and airplane-testing equipment. 

"I got back in radio," Hash says, "because I have always loved it since I got my ham license at 14. I am convinced there is a place in Louisville for a new type of station with character. 

"One thing I have learned in Louisville is, if you are going to give a service to Louisvillians you must give them the best there is. That will be the sincere aim of WTMT."

WTMT Photos
These photos were taken in 1966 in the WTMT Control Room at the station's original location in the basement of York Tower at 2nd and York Streets. Pictured is Thom Hall, who would later go on to work in news departments at other Louisville stations.
Mark "The Spark" Anderson (1976)

Tim Tolbert writes:  "Kenny Holiday was a native of Paoli, IN. He started his radio career at WVAK, Paoli in 1963. He was later hired at WTMT Louisville by Tommy Downs, program director of WTMT. Tommy was also a songwriter, producer and recording artist. Kenny would become Music Director of WTMT and later Program Director. Kenny recorded several singles during this time, all produced by Tommy Downs. Kenny and Tommy would work together one final time in 1973 and record this single. Kenny liked the B side better and changed it to the Plug Side. The song being written by Tom T. Hall didn't hurt. It received lots of air play in Kentuckiana. Kenny Holiday died of heart failure in 1991 at the age of 53."

Download a 30 Second Sample of this Record

Tim Tolbert contributed the above image of Kenny Holiday, writing: "It's the only picture of him I've been able to find. This is from an add in the Paoli, IN newspaper, year 1983. This is the same location where he started his broadcast career. The station was WVAK 1560 when he started in 1963 before he moved to WTMT. Reed Yadon bought the station in 1978 and it became WKKX (Country Kicks 156. This photo is from an ad announcing he was returning to his 'roots' (his hometown) to do 6-10am."

Mark "The Spark" Anderson and "Lean" Dean Taylor (1992)
WTMT Airchecks
Paul Edwards (1979)
7:39 - 2692 KB
Bill Bailey (August 19, 1987)
22:42 - 10,647 KB
Bill Bailey (February 8, 1989) Part 1
25:31 - 11,963 KB
Bill Bailey (February 8, 1989) Part 2
25:37 - 12,008 KB
Tom McConnell (June 16, 1990)
18:54 - 6646 KB
Tom McConnell (June 23, 1990)
29:10 - 10,256 KB
(The above two airchecks are of WTMT's "Weekend Oldies Revival.")
WTMT 1992 Sign-On Announcement
:34 - 202 KB
WTMT 1992 Sign-Off Announcement
:38 - 228 KB
Chris Jackson's Elvis Tribute Show (August 15, 1992)
25:03 - 8809 KB
Mark "The Spark" Anderson (August 17, 1992)
25:46 - 9059 KB
Mark Anderson and Dean Taylor (September 21, 1992)
33:33 - 11,795 KB
Mark Anderson and Dean Taylor (October 1 and 12, 1992)
28:08 - 9894 KB
"Lean" Dean Taylor (October 30, 1992)
36:03 - 12,675 KB
One-On-One Sports (January 1997)
2:26 - 860 KB
Last Day of ESPN Radio (September 2, 2003)
1:02 - 368 KB
All audio is in downloadable MP3 format.

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