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WHAS Photo Page 1

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An Ekko "Verified Reception Stamp" for WHAS, circa 1924
The Ballard Chefs Jug Band (1929)
A "proof of reception" stamp from WHAS from the 1930s. It depicts the station's
(along with the other Bingham properties') original location at 3rd & Liberty.
Exterior of the building WHAS shared with the Courier-Journal and the Louisville Times
WHAS Eastwood transmitter building
Unknown WHAS performers (1931)
Bernie Smith and Randy Atcher (date unknown)
Milton Metz
Look at those WHAS salaries! (Date unknown)
Early WHAS Mobile Unit
The WHAS Hayloft Hoedown gang

"Norman Brown, technician at FM-WHAS, checks the tape bank in the master control room, which packs a lot of equipment in a small space. Forthcoming move to the new WHAS building will provide more elaborate quarters for the good music station." (Louisville magazine Broadcasting issue, September 10, 1967)

WHAS-FM Automation System (1967)

WHAS bus ads
Jerry David Melloy with a young visitor
Jerry David Melloy

Jerry David Melloy began his announcing career with a part-time job at WTHI, Terre Haute, while he was a sophomore at Indiana State University. He moved into a full-time staff slot when he picked up his degree in speech and English, in 1960, and was Chief Announcer when he moved to WAVI, Dayton, Ohio, two years later.

There, Jerry David received several citations from civic organizations and was active in the Jaycees.
Since joining the WHAS staff in October, 1966, he's become the darling of thousands of Kentuckiana housewives. From 10 to 3 daily, he kids, informs, plays "now" music -- it's all fresh and fun and lively, with valuable "Teleprize 84" contest awards going to a large and loyal audience.

At Indiana State, versatile Jerry David was Outstanding Senior Thespian and in the cast of a show which toured the Far East Command for the USO and the U. S. State Department. He's understandably happy to be a reader at the American Printing House For The Blind.

JDM likes to live dangerously: he once owned a sporty motorcycle and, until it formed the filling in a "sandwich" between two Army trucks, a small English sports car. Tough luck? Sure, but what do you expect of a guy who got married on Friday the Thirteenth?

Jeff Douglas (1971)

John Polk

L-R: Milton Metz, Jeff Douglas, Dave McCree, Tony Bennett, Jerry David Melloy, Wayne Perkey (1973)

L-R: Jack Fox,  Jeff Douglas, Dave McCree, Duke Ellington, Jerry David Melloy, Milton Metz (1973)

Walter Cronkite and Milton Metz

L-R: Jerry David Melloy, Wayne Perkey, Jack Fox, Jeff Douglas and Roger "King of the Road" Miller

WHAS radio air personalities in the mid 1970s

WHAS Button (1976)

Jerry David Melloy
Jerry David Melloy

Gary Burbank in a 1977 parade

Standing L-R: Milton Metz, Gary Burbank, Jerry David Melloy and Joe Donovan
Seated L-R: Steve George and Wayne Perkey

L-R: WHAS News Director Glen Bastin and staff members Mark Pfeiffer, Mark Watkins, Harold Parker,
Jerry Leitzell, Melanie Roberts, Dave Siler, Anne Marshall, Ralph Dix and Mark Thomas (late 1970s)

Barbara Polk says about this 1978 billboard: "My big promotional campaign for WHAS Radio: Radio-Active! Bingham family approved, until the Three Mile Island disaster caused it to be pulled from the air."

M*A*S*H star Jamie Farr (sitting) with WHAS personalities (L-R)
Jerry David Malloy, Gary Burbank, Wayne Perkey and Steve George (1978)

Jamie Farr with John Polk (1978)

Barbara Polk and Gary Burbank performing with Karl Shannon's band
(Karl is on drums behind Gary.)

John "The Bear" Polk in the WHAS music library

Cawood Ledford (L) with an unidentified man atop Churchill Downs (1978)

Cawood Ledford and Wayne Perkey in the Churchill Downs press box (1978)

Cawood Ledford broadcasting for WHAS at Churchill Downs (1978)

Model Cheryl Tiegs with WHAS radio's Mark Thomas (1978)

WHAS Production Director John Polk (1978)

Karl Shannon DJ-ing the 1978 WHAS Christmas Party

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